Department Profile
In the educational process the Department covers the research activities of the subjects Forest Dendrology, Forest Establishment and Silviculture with an emphasis on the sustainable forest development.
Department History
Since 1807, the Department of Silviculture has been one of the basic organizations, that shaped the silvicultural academic education in the Slovak Republic. During the period 1946-1949 the first head of the Department of Silviculture at the University of Agriculture and Forest Engineering in Kosice was Prof. Dr. Samuel Kriska. After Prof. Dr. Samuel Kriska the next head of department was Prof. Dr. Anton Sokol, who led the Department of Silviculture untill 1958. The development of department during 1959-1975 was influenced by Prof. Dr. Hubert Bezacinsky`s activity. Scientific and professional was Prof. Bezačínský mainly concerned with the application of shelterwood and selection methods in the management of forests. The next development of silviculture, with emphasis on recognized patterns functioning in natural forests, is linked to the personality of Prof. Dr. Stefan Korpel`s personality. He was the department head during 1976- 1991. Since 1991 Prof. Dr. Milan Saniga has been the head of the Department.