Department of Silviculture belongs to the profile departments at the Faculty of Forestry. With its professional orientation in the educational process the Department helps to create the professional profile of the students in the study programs Forestry and Forest Ecology.
Katedra pestovania lesa
Katedra rozvíja svoje vedeckovýskumné aktivity s akcentom na trvalo udržateľný rozvoj lesníctva v oblasti pestovania lesa, zakladania lesa a lesníckej dendrológie.
Demonštračné objekty
Prehľad tém
In pedagogical process, the Department is involved in the teaching in most of the study programmes within the field of Adaptive Forestry
and Applied Zoology and Hunting. At the same time it educates new scientists in a form of doctoral/PhD. studies in the field of Silviculture.
Katedra pestovania lesaLesnícka fakulta
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 235
Head of the Department
prof. Ing. Milan Saniga DrSc.